Italy - property for sole occupancy, catered for 7-11 people, 7 days between the 25/1/2025 and the 8/2/2025
Posted 23/7/2024 12:40 (#852801)
Request: Italy - property for sole occupancy, catered for 7-11 people, 7 days between the 25/1/2025 and the 8/2/2025


Looking for a group holiday, for a very mixed group.

1 Non skier (and not sporty) - looking to get up to mountain restaurants to meet for lunch
2 adults - beginners
1 child (~6) - beginner
1 snowboarder
3 adult intermediates (1 returning from knee surgery, who will probably only ski mornings)
1 adult expert

Ideally a catered chalet, or a b&b on sole occupancy with a common area for us to hang out.

Hot tubs/spas etc - while not 100% necessary - would be appreciated.

Let me know what you can offer.

At a glance:
  • Looking for a holiday
  • In Italy
  • For 7 days between the 25/1/2025 and the 8/2/2025
  • Property for sole occupancy
  • Catered
  • 7-11 people
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