Near Grenoble Airport, Espace Killy, Paradiski or Three Valleys - for 4 people, from 23/11/2023 to 30/11/2023
Posted 29/11/2023 16:51 (#846238)
Request: Near Grenoble Airport, Espace Killy, Paradiski or Three Valleys - for 4 people, from 23/11/2023 to 30/11/2023

Hi we are looking for accommodation for a family of 4 23~30 December
Budget is 2500 euro /£2200 for catered chalet or 1500 1800 for SC
Many thanks
At a glance:
  • Looking for a holiday
  • Near Grenoble Airport
  • In Espace Killy, Paradiski or Three Valleys
  • From 23/11/2023 to 30/11/2023
  • 4 people
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