Val d'Isère - property for sole occupancy, catered for 21 people, from 28/12/2024 to 11/1/2025
Wayne Cannon
Posted 22/7/2023 02:28 (#840006)
Request: Val d'Isère - property for sole occupancy, catered for 21 people, from 28/12/2024 to 11/1/2025


Looking for an all inclusive catered chalet, preferably ski to/from door for group of Brit/Aussie families (mainly teenage kids but a couple of youngsters).

Would require airport transfers.

Hot tub would be preferred.

Walking distance to bars preferable, or access to dedicated transport options if not.
At a glance:
  • Looking for a holiday
  • In Val d'Isère
  • From 28/12/2024 to 11/1/2025
  • Property for sole occupancy
  • Catered
  • 21 people
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